Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CAS Array configuration

If the network was configured in teaming, you have to break the teaming before configuring the CAS array.
  • On both network cards on both servers definitions:

                check mark ipv6 even if we don't need it.
  • On the NLB network card definitions on both servers:

                on the ipv4 properties remove default gateway definition.

DNS configuration

Open the DNS in the root Domain and create a new Host with the name where the clients will connect.

Give the IP address and check the "Create associated pointer (PTR) record"

Open the first HUB/CAS server
Open the Exchange powershell

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Import-Module servermanager

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Add-WindowsFeature nlb

You should receive the result below

Open the second Hub/CAS server and run exaclty the same functions

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Import-Module servermanager
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Add-WindowsFeature nlb

Go back to the first node and run on the Exchange powershell
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Import-Module NetworkLoadBalancingClusters

Note: Make sure you have an interface for the NLB configuration and the same network name for both servers

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-NlbCluster -InterfaceName NLB -ClusterName casarray -HostName HubCas01 -ClusterPrimaryIP -OperationMode MultiCast
Name                          IPAddress                     SubnetMask                    Mode
----                          ---------                     ----------                    ----
casarray                                      MULTICAST

Then run the following

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbClusterPortRule |Remove-NlbClusterPortRule -Force

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbCluster | Add-NlbClusterPortRule -StartPort 80 -EndPort 80 -
Protocol TCP -Affinity Single

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbCluster | Add-NlbClusterPortRule -StartPort 443 -EndPort 443 -Protocol TCP -Affinity Single

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbCluster | Add-NlbClusterPortRule -StartPort 135 -EndPort 135 -Protocol TCP -Affinity Single

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbCluster | Add-NlbClusterPortRule -StartPort 1024 -EndPort 65535 -Protocol TCP -Affinity Single

Adding the second node to the cluster (from the first node)

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-NlbCluster | Add-NlbClusterNode -NewNodeName HubCas02 -NewNodeInterface NLB

Name                             State                            Interface                       HostID
----                             -----                            ---------                       ------
HubCas02                           Converging                       NLB                             2

Note: Verify that the state was converged before continuing

Name                             State                            Interface                       HostID
----                             -----                            ---------                       ------
HubCas01                           Converged(default)               NLB                             1

Creating the CAS array

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-ClientAccessArray -Name "CAS Array" -fqdn Exmail.domain.com –site Sydney

You should receive the result below

Name                Site                 Fqdn                           Members
----                ----                 ----                           -------
CAS Array        Sydney           Exmail.domain.com            {HubCas01, HubCas02}

In order to allow other vlans to access the cas enter the netsh command in both Hub/CAS server:

C:\>netsh interface ipv4 set int "nlb" forwarding=enabled

Exchange 2010 - HUB & CAS installation

Exchange server preparation
·         Install .NET framework 3.5 SP1
        From Server Manager -> Features
        -> Add Features and check ".NET Framework 3.5.1 Features"
·         PowerShell version 2 is built in Windows 2008 R2
·         Install IIS

Open Server Manager and Add role

Click "Add Role Services" and check the following services under "Security", "Performance" and "Management tools"

Exchange HUB/CAS Installation
Choose Language options
-> from DVD
Exchange Installation

Click on Custom Exchange server installation and choose Client Access Role and Hub Transport role.

Don't check the check box in the case your Exchange is not internet-facing

-> Click finish and restart the server

After the reboot, run setup again to get the critical Exchange update.

-> Restart the server again and install Rollup 5 for Exchange 2010 SP1 (KB2582113) 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How can I make a meeting 'private'?

Create a new appointment or open an existing one that you want to make private. Select the "Private" check box in the lower right corner.

The people who have delegate permissions to see or manage your calendar will not see your "private" appointments except if you select the option "delegate can see my private items" under the delegate configuration.

To make sure that other people cannot read the item you marked as private, do not grant them Read permission to your Calendar, Contacts, or Tasks folder. A person who is granted Read permission to access your folders could use programmatic methods or other e-mail applications to view details in a private item. Use the Private feature only when you share folders with people you trust.

Monday, June 30, 2008

EXCDO Event ID 8263

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: EXCDO
Event Category: General
Event ID: 8263
Description:The recurring appointment expansion in mailbox user account has taken too long. Some recurring appointment instances may not be visible at this time. To ensure that the calendar view is correct, please refresh the calendar view in Microsoft Outlook Web Access.

Q - I do not currently know if the expansion of a recurring appointment is failing, but the user is concerned. How resolving these warnings?

A - These entries are completely harmless. They indicate that a user has too many appointements in the calendar view to be expanded in a single OWA calendar query. The user can simply refresh the browser to see the missing entries.

This warning message is informational only.